This blog, Café Unknown, is not so much about history as it is about place.
Perhaps the difference is merely semantic, as for me the two are closely intertwined.
Without continuity of place, a city loses its identity, it becomes a merely a collection of buildings, pipes and wires.
For a person as historically minded as myself, this is self evident: Like that kid in “The Sixth Sense,” I see dead people -the ghosts of Portlanders past- all the time.
Places, stories (and ghosts) all need continuity and context to survive (which is why so few new subdivisions are haunted).
From high rise condominiums and row houses encroaching on historic residential neighborhoods, to the adolescent scrawl of the tagger or the Darwinian laws of business, the elements which make
Music Millennium on Twenty Third Avenue, the Lovejoy Ramp, Quality Pie, Henry Ford’s Restaurant and the Church of Elvis are relatively recent additions to a long list which includes most of the cast iron fronted downtown, the jazz clubs and neighborhoods along Williams in Albina and the large portion of downtown slicked off in the 1960s for the South Auditorium urban renewal project.
It is hard now just to keep

There is an effort now before the City Council to rename
Streets lend a city continuity.
Of colonial Nieuw Amsterdam nothing exists, except the warren of streets on
Long after the personages whose names grace
Beyond geographic functions, people live work and play along streets for decades, if not generations. Two blocks “off Interstate,” my new next door neighbor is a woman in her mid-eighties who recently moved back to the Overlook area to be near her son; he lives directly across the street in a house that she once owned in the 1940s. Much has changed in

(Click on photos to expand)
Broadway and Interstate circa 1940.
When Interstate Avenue opened in 1917, it started at Broadway, on the east side of the Broadway Bridge, and ran north through old Albina bordering neighborhoods of railroad workers; those of the Volga Germans in “Little Russia” and the Polish neighborhood, further up the bluff along the east side of Interstate near the St. Stanislaus Church. Directly across the street ,on the west side of the Interstate, was a largely Scandinavian neighborhood, many of whom which also worked for the railroad.
By the time the above photo was taken, the area around Broadway and Interstate was one of
The Portland Van Storage Building in the picture still exists. The neighborhood does not. It was demolished by the redevelopment for Memorial Coliseum in the early 1960s.
Note the subway access to the pedestrian transit island in the middle of Broadway. The electric bus (trolley coach) is on Interstate Avenue (Interstate was lowered and brought closer to the river then extend south during the Memorial Coliseum redevelopment. The old alignment in now part of Larabee Avenue). The MA sign on the streetcar stands for the
Street re-naming in
Many German names were removed during World War I. The street re-numbering plan of the early 1930s (which divided
Changing names of long established streets to honor admired personages however is a relatively recent phenomenon.
In 1996, in a staggering outbreak of historical amnesia,
Last year,
To fight these strictly elective alterations to
It requires the willingness to go up against an organized opposition with motivations that in themselves are honorable. It requires playing catch-up in a shadowy process whose rules are altered at the whim of City Councilors.
Who has the time and energy to mount opposition, especially when examination of the process that lead to
And finally, who would want to take on Rosa Parks?

By 1940,
It is the perception that opposition to the renaming a street is the same as opposition to honoring a person, which is the biggest obstacle to those not in favor of re-naming.
Allow me to state, in the clearest most concise terms possible; I have no argument against honoring King, Naito, Parks or Chavez.
In the case of Rosa Parks, the demolition of the “Bill Roberts Transit Mall” (a.k.a. the bus mall) was a sufficient break in continuity to have allowed the new transit mall that replaced it to be named for her, with poetry that hardly needs to be stated. It was a opportunity mind-boggling to have been missed.
A like suggestion by John Wylder, in the Oregonian’s Commentary page from September 8 2007; that a new farmers market for
Both ideas are additions to the character of
But if street re-naming is the only way to honor a personage, perhaps a solution, where a numbered street is appended with a name, such as with
Once again, it is addition without subtraction.
For make no mistake about it, when a street named is changed through political means, something is being taken away from somebody.
The issue goes beyond
It is reasonable to assume that other groups will have their own heroes they would like to see honored.
For what it is worth, the city code states that the City Council is allowed to change a streets name only to correct errors and eliminate confusion. A similarly ignored portion of the code allows street name changes only with a citizen based process that includes a petition and a panel of historians.

Interstate Avenue in the mid-1970s, looking east from
With the city code arbitrarily disregarded, who decides that one group’s hero has more merit than another?
Is there any reason to believe that re-naming will be restricted only to civil rights heroes?
If honoring minority viewpoints and voices is truly paramount in
Meanwhile Portlander’s cynicism with process will grow.
And what other long established

Another view, circa 1939, of the area around Interstate Avenue and
Courtesy of the

The Crown Motel (here in the 1950s) on

It is not like its going to grow or anything.

The next post will be entirely non-issue driven.
I promise.
To Eugene Snyder, author of "Portland Names and Neighborhoods".
Thank you thank you thank you for this post. I live just north of the Alibi and currently have the Marino's Furniture sign in my driveway. I really hope PDC preserves the Crown Motel sign. Great article.
By request!
The city code, as it pertains to street re-renaming can be viewed here:
Oh, I do so miss Henry Ford's. My wife and I had a meal there during the last week it was open.
Naming of things after people is odd, in that it's done as a sort of permanent mark of honor and yet it takes very little time before the history is forgotten.
It reminds me of the renaming of the Kerr Library on the OSU campus. When it was enlarged almost 10 years ago, the Valley family paid for naming rights and the Kerr name was dropped (and, oddly, added to the campus administration building). Of course, Kerr was one of the original librarians for the campus, mostly forgotten.
I had graduated high school when Union was renamed. I thought it a terrible idea; why the heck would Martin Luther King be honored by having a street named after him?
i think the city could make a SOMEWHAT reasonable case that the renaming would "avoid confusion".
you no longer take "interstate" to get inter-state. an out of towner might get confused now and again.
its a name that anachronistic, but pretty adorably so. i think it should be kept around, but changing street names is nothing i get too worked up about. i read old platt maps a lot, and man- lots of changes thru the years.
Please Please Please, come to the next meeting at Ockley Green next week and present the history of Interstate Ave. Those against the name change were challenged to bring that to the next meeting. I would be happy to drive Interstate and take pictures of all of the buildings named after the street. Interstate Firehouse, Interstate Lanes, Etc. Make it 4 minutes.
Yes, please present at the next meeting about Interstate's great history. Also, your comment on Koin6 about Interstate linking many diverse communities is exactly what people need to hear.
I will be there. I have volunteered with to Amalia Alarcon with the City of Portland to talk about Interstate Avenue History. I have yet to hear back, but one way or another I hope speak at the meeting on Tuesday night.
Here's my post on the subject to Sam Adam's blog, responding to " Cesar Chavez memorial—
Submitted by Anita Bonnema on Mon, 09/10/2007. N Interstate is really not a pretty street! Chavez deserves about a park? Oaks has a lot of union events, for example ":
I'm pretty much against the idea of re-naming anything, unless it's just so obvious that it elicits a "Great idea!" response from a broad base of citizens. So renaming Oaks Park doesn't work for me—isn't Oaks Park even more historic than Interstate Avenue, and already appropriately named?
That being said, I think that naming the planned Public Market for Cesar Chavez is a great idea (that I didn't come up with.) It makes sense, it won't cause economic hardship to businesses, doesn't change the business district's brand or neighborhood's identity or upset neighbors, doesn't break a process or cheat on the rules, and—despite the renaming committee's lack of willingness—would make a good compromise and show even better faith on their part.
There are, of course, other possible compromises, but to date this idea is the best I've heard. Consider this: the committee to honor Chavez could throw their efforts behind the creation of the Public Market, ending the contentiousness that has grown around the Interstate issue and helping ensure the Market's development. Sounds win-win to me, rather than the zero-sum game that's currently being played out.
As an aside, you're right—Interstate is not a beautiful boulevard, but it has its retro-Utopian charms and is undergoing some exciting development. I walk home along it a couple times a week, and while nothing much happened for a while after MAX Yellow opened, recently the pace of positive change has been rapidly increasing. I'm looking forward to the continued evolution of Interstate Avenue, rather than a revolt over it.
So happy to find your Blogg..So well done...Many thanks...I am a native Portlander...And as a young teenager would ride the trolley out to Portsmouth..and remember so well the big Coca-Cola sign you would see as you came across the Broadway bridge and as the bus turned left there once in awhile something would come off and the driver would have to get off the bus and go around to the back of the bus and pull on the wires and get it to connect again...
I hope they do not change the name of Interstate...
....People should remember that that was THE road North out of town...
Hey Dan,
This is totally off subject (and a year off), but I was hoping you could help me solve a mystery. I live in a building on SE 10th and Grant (cleverly called the Granten--get it? ugh...). Next to the fire alarm is a sign which reads, "Phone BELmont 2-211 or Use Fire Alarm Box at 40th + Plumb STREETS." I can find no evidence of there every being a Plumb Street and seems by the time one got all the way to fortieth, the building would be nothing but cinders. Was there something about The Great Renaming of 1891 that I totally missed? Was the the person who put up that sign just a complete nutter?
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